Morphological and Anatomical Studies on Some Taxa of Sub Family Malvoideae (Malvaceaes.l)

Document Type : Original Article


AinShams University,Faculty of Womens for Arts,Science ,and Education,Botany Department


       Morphological and anatomical studies were carried out on four ( two wild and two cultivated) species belonging tosub family Malvoideae (Malvaceae s.l) and collected from different regions in Egypt to assess the diagnostic value of these characters in taxa delimitation .The results obtained using UPGMA clustring method  from  analysis of 71 macro-& micro morphological characters  resulting in a dendogram which indicated  a close taxonomic relationship between Hibiscus esculentus  and Hibiscus sabdariffa more than Malva parviflora with similarity index (76% and 75% respectively ). Dissimilarity was recorded  in Sida spinosa from the other  three species ,it distinguished by  high genetic diversity based on variation in morphological and anatomical features .The studied species were analyzedfor assessment of  taxonomic interrelationship among them.
