Production of Embroidered Cushion from the Safavid Period Using Different Methods on Leather

Document Type : Original Article


1 Home Economics Collage –clothing and textile - Helwan University.

2 Woman's College – clothing and textile– AinShams University

3 Faculty of Education –clothing and textile – AinShams University


The Aim of the work in this  paper is to produce a cushion leather both by handmade and machine embroidery, The design which used was from the safavid period (animal type).
100% cotton threads have been used for sewing the whole designs by the two methods (manual and machine).Needles have been used for sewing designs by the two methods (manual and machine). The machine which used is Tajima TCMX mixed type which speed reach to 700rpm, needles number was 9. The numbers of heads used were 15 for producing machine embroidery design. The material which was used in this project was leather.Analysis and discussion which include the problems were mentioned, finally the conclusion obtained were presented.
